Blocked drains can be troublesome

You’ve probably had that moment while cleaning your teeth where you have had to wait patiently for the water to drain from the basin before risking a rinse or noticed the dirty dishwater just sitting there, stagnant and refusing to drain.

1. Flush it with boiling water

Many people have success at clearing a drain by pouring boiling water down the pipes. Boiling water should work a treat on most minor blockages, especially in the kitchen where fat deposits may the cause of the obstruction.

The boiling water melts the fat deposits, which then liquify and unblock the drain. Completely draining the offending sink or basin beforehand will get you the best results from this method.

Other things to look out for are to be careful using it on PVC pipes, as the hot water can loosen the adhesive and warp the pipes.

2. Go for the plunger

Plungers are handy devices to have on hand in case of blocked drains, as a bit of vigorous plunging can loosen a minor solid blockage and send it on its way. However, they aren’t the best solution for grease and mineral deposits.

The plunger creates suction pressure against the offending material and forces it out of where it has become wedged in the pipes and forming a trap for any subsequent debris.

A dome-shaped plunger with a flat bottom ring is the type of plunger you will need for sinks, but they don’t work on toilets. For toilet blockages, you will need a toilet plunger or auger.

3. Prevent a blocked drains problem with good maintenance

You should take care not to let foreign material into your drains. Hair from the bath and shower should be collected and disposed of in the bin, not shoved down the drain.

Strainers in the kitchen sink can stop food particles from entering your pipes and getting trapped. Thoughtfully disposing of fat and oil instead of letting it go down the drain can also prevent blockages from building up.

Excess oil can be mopped up with an absorbent paper towel and put in the bin. Small amounts can also be discarded in your compost bin if you have one.

4. When having a private moment in the toilet

Just remember, your toilet is not a wastebasket. Even throwing a small item like dental floss down the loo may cause problems for your pipes.

5. Have a great Belrose blocked drains plumber on your speed dial

If you have tried everything but the water still refuses to budge,  it’s time to call your friendly Belrose plumber and get professional help.

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